Knitters Series: Blanca


How did you start knitting?

To tell you the truth, it was never in my plans to learn how to knit. But one year ago, during the Christmas holidays I discovered WE ARE KNITTERS. I had heard some about it but never paid too much attention. I tried one of your kits and suddenly I found myself watching your video tutorials  and following the instructions of the patterns. I couldn’t stop!

What’s your favorite WE ARE KNITTERS kit?

The CUQUI’S BEANIES! It was the first kit I bought. I loved it! I ordered a lot of yarn balls and knitted all the possible combinations. I gifted them all to my closest friends. It was the perfect present, they all fell in love with your wool!

Favorite song

‘Wonderwall’ by Oasis

Favorite city

Oh! I have so many! But if I had to chose I would say Rio de Janeiro. The weather, the beaches, the juices…everything! They have a completely different lifestyle. I’m in love with Rio.

Best concert ever attended

Definitely the Beastie Boys in Switzerland. I’m a huge fan of them, so for me watching them live was an awesome experience.

Favorite store around the world

Ok, 10 Corso Como in Milano is on top of that list for me. I love how they mix fashion with culture, photography, books and architecture. Their little garden and café in the entrance is a lovely place to have breakfast. I also like very much the online store of Colette in Paris and LNCC in London. Cool stuff.

5 things you always carry in your bag 

My iPhone, my little purse with restaurants and stores’ cards I collect, the book I’m reading at that moment, my L’Oreal pink blush and some Sharpie’s.

If you could have dinner with anyone, dead or alive, who would you choose?

My grandmother. She passed away when I was little so I didn’t have the time to get to know her. I’d love to spend some more time with her.

Favorite actor/actress

I really like most of Kate Winslet’s films. She is definitely in Meryl Streep’s league. I also like Edward Norton. He is one of those rare actors who choses really well his roles.

(Blanca is wearing a brown SJP BEANIES and a coral+brown TRIBECA SNOOD)

More KNITTERS SERIES coming soon…



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