NYC Marathon : Meredith’s interview


On November 1, one of our interns Meredith will be knitting and running the NYC Marathon. No, we’re not joking. Meredith is studying International Business at Northeastern University in Boston and this will be her first marathon. We talked with Meredith to find out a bit more about how she got started with knitting and running, her training, and her journey to the marathon.

How long have you been knitting?

My grandmother taught me to knit when I was 8 or 9 years old. I actually started because I wanted to break my habit of biting my nails, but then I found it really relaxing and kept going! I have been knitting on and off since then, but then once I started working at We Are Knitters this past March I really started to pick it up again. All of my friends have started to ask me to make scarves and hats for them, so my to-do list is growing! The winter in Boston is really cold, so I can justify making 3 or 4 things for myself too!

NYC Marathon : Meredith's interview

When did you start running?

I started running in high school. Sophomore year, I joined the cross country team, not knowing what I was in for! The first day of practice, it took me so long to complete the run that when I got back my coach asked if I had gotten lost on the way! I was so embarrassed. I ran one season on the track team, and I did the hurdles but I really prefer distance running. Since then I have run three half marathons – in Boston, NYC, and Madrid!


How did this idea come about?

At We Are Knitters, we had read about two people that had knit and run a marathon, and thought it was such a fun idea. It started as just a joke that I would do it, but then I was curious so I brought a ball of yarn with me on my run the next day. I got so many strange looks while I was running! We started talking about it seriously then, and before I knew it I was signed up for the NYC Marathon!


How will you be running and knitting?

For the NYC Marathon, I will be finger knitting. I had never finger knit before, so I watched a video on Youtube that was meant for children! It was very simply explained but I still had to watch it a few times to get the hang of it! I am still figuring out the best way to hold the yarn ball – in a fanny pack, under my arm…

Once the knitting starts to get long, I start wrapping it around my arm to keep it from dragging on the floor. In the summer the yarn gets pretty sweaty as you can imagine, but in the fall and winter it will probably keep me warm!

NYC Marathon : Meredith's interview

What is the hardest part of running and knitting?

The knitting isn’t too difficult actually, once you get into a rhythm it’s actually sort of calming and takes your mind off the running you are doing. The hardest part is figuring out where to hold the yarn ball so it doesn’t fall! I have been running a few times when the yarn ball rolls away from me, so I look pretty funny chasing after a yarn ball down the street.


Tell us about your partnership with Team in Training.

One of the best parts of big races like the NYC Marathon is that they are a great platform to raise awareness and fundraise for important causes. We Are Knitters is sponsoring me and Team in Training during the race. Team in Training works with the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society to raise money for blood cancer research, and I am thrilled to be a part of this, especially with the WAK community behind me! My fundraising goal is $3,500, and I appreciate any and every donation, it all is going to a great cause.

NYC Marathon : Meredith's interview

What are you most looking forward to in the race?

I love the energy and support from the crowd at these kinds of races! In my last half marathon, I wanted to stop running and take a break, but then someone from the sideline started cheering and this really helped motivate me to keep going. I can’t wait to combine two great communities: runners and knitters!

  1. All the best with the knitting marathon – just a thought, would the organizers allow you to wear a kind of backpack to hold your ball of yarn?

    Did the knitting save your finger nails? I bite mine when I’m not knitting, which is often enough to ensure I don’t have any. I’ve tried nail varnish, but after a while the nails start to delaminate! Ah well, at least I wasn’t biting them at the time.

    1. Hi Sharon,

      We’re not sure about the backpack, but it is a great idea and something we should perhaps consider pursuing!

      As for the nails, knitting absolutely helps as a distraction from habits like that since it keeps our hands busy!! The nail polish does seem to work for a little while at least (the taste.. oh the taste..)! Knitting is much more fun (and productive) though.


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