Knitters Series: Toowooltobecool


Vicky – Toowooltobecool – was a typical city slicker, before she decided to move to the countryside.

She now lives there with her dog and besides knitting she loves to do a thousand other things including crocheting, drawing, sewing and many more. The most important criteria about the things she loves is: Do-it-Yourself!


When did you start knitting?

My first experience with knitting was as a teenager at school – at that time I did not like to knit pre-defined stuff at all, I thought it was boring. I cheated on my assignments from my teacher whenever it was possible! As you can imagine, this was pretty visible on the outcome and because of that there was a huge lack of motivation for me to continue knitting.

The first time I ever took knitting seriously was around two years ago when I got myself my first WAK skein and since then I just cannot stop knitting.

How did you learn how to knit? Who taught it to you?

As all the women in my family for many generations are really attached to handcrafted things, I think I already saw and picked up a lot as a child without even realizing it. When I began, my mom (who is probably the most talented sock-knitter ever) helped me with the basics. And to be perfectly honest – at the time when I started, when YouTube was not that popular yet, I just helped myself with several books and tried out as many different things as I could. That makes me seem even more “vintage“ that I am, right? 🙂


In three words: What does knitting mean to you?

Absolute creative freedom.

Do you prefer to knit for yourself or for others?

I love to do both, but considering that my own closet is literally bursting, I am always happy to receive “orders” from friends and family. Plus, it always is a good feeling to see others wearing my self-made pieces and to see how much they enjoy them. That’s why I am thinking about offering my designs and knitted pieces on several platforms for sale – but right now that is still a dream for the future.


What is your favorite pattern?

Concerning the basics, I have to say that I could never ever life again without the moss stitch. It is humble, decent and still gives your piece a great texture. And the best thing is: No rolling edges!

When I want to knit something more special, I really like the honeycomb stitch that is also used in the WAK bee blanket. It really looks great, is super easy to knit and fun to knit.

Favorite Kit?

Right now I just love, love, love the Math Cardigan that I just finished! It definitely is an eye catcher und much easier to knit than I thought. I already know now, that more of these are going to follow.


Favorite type of wool?

There is only one correct answer to this question: ALL of them! I think that every single wool has its advantages – the Wool is perfect for cozy hats and scarfs, the Petite Wool is great for warm pullovers and cardigans and Pima Cotton is the perfect all-arounder. Fabric Yarn is great for living accessories or decor and last but not least, there is no better yarn for baby and toddler pieces than the Baby Alpaca Wool.

I am stunned each and every time by the amazing quality of the WAK Wools and their soft handfeel and touch. I am a person that absolutely hates itchy and scratchy wool types or mix qualities.

What time of the day do you knit?

Basically anytime, anywhere! I always have one small project in my bag to use my time waiting for or traveling in public transport.

The best and most relaxing time for me is in the evening, with a cup of tea, sitting in my knitting chair while Bonnie (my dog) lies down in my lap. Then I can enjoy my love for series on Netflix or just think through my day – a pretty slow, almost comatose scenario 🙂


Do you have any tips for other knitters?

It’s better to work really neat and precise and maybe undo a part one more time time, than to always be annoyed by that little mistake in your finished piece. In the end you won’t want to wear it. That’s one of my mom’s principles that I used to hate earlier, but now I really appreciate it.

Another tip would be to only knit as much as you really enjoy – many people tend to take the pressure from other parts of their lives into their hobby knitting. It would be really sad to ruin your own joy and happiness about your hobby with unnecessary ambition and pressure.

Do you have any recommendations for beginners?

Never give up! Keep trying and start with small projects in heavy gauges. With them you’ll have your first finished pieces and successes earlier – which will motivate you to keep going. Moreover, it is not that painful to undo the piece just in case something should go wrong…


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