10 things moms say


Mothers Day

Because we love them, we understand them, and above all we need them, we have created a list of the 10 best phrases mothers say, that we are sure you have heard yours yelling on more than one occasion.

And we know, don’t deny it, that you’ve caught yourself repeating some of these in one situation or another. If your mother heard you, she would begin smiling instantaneously, and you’ll be saying to yourself (but never aloud): ¨My mother was right…¨

At first you might scare yourself, you see reflected JUST what you didn’t want, what you swore you would never do. But after you will smile, breathe, get excited, and even run to the phone and call her just to say ¨Mom, I love you.¨

Every day you are more and more similar to her, you can feel it. And every day, ahhhh ( dramatic sigh) you like it more.

10 things moms say

1. Because I said so.

10 things moms say

2. Don’t sit so close to the television!

10 things moms say

3.Eat your vegetables.

10 things moms say

4. If you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all.

10 things moms say

5. Who are you going with? Do I know them?

10 things moms say
6. Call me when you get there.

10 things moms say

7. I’m not the maid!

10 things moms say
8. Don’t talk with your mouth full.


10 things moms say
9. I’m going to count to three.

10 things moms say

10. Mother knows best.

10 things moms say


Your mother deserves everything and more. And you, no gift yet? Don’t worry, it happens to everyone, with work, rushing around…we have the solution for you.

We know well the likes of the adorable moms and we have created a selection of exclusive knitting kits for them.

Mothers Day

Mothers Day kit

Our advice? If you knit it yourself, you’ll get triple points 😉

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