Knitter Series – Knitattitude



When did you start knitting?

I learnt to knit just 5 years ago. January is actually my knitting anniversary! I had dreamt of finding a massive circle scarf under my Christmas tree the month before but that dream never materialized. I decided to take matters into my own hands (and needles), cast on and now we are here!
Where did you learn to knit? Who taught you?

I’m a self taught knitter and my teacher was youtube. Man, I think it would have gone so much better if I had someone teach me though! The struggle was REAL.
Describe knitting to you in 3 words.

Outlet: I love coming up with new designs and knitting is just a way for my hands to create what is coming up in my mind.

Calming: There’s nothing like slamming through a few rows when you’re feeling the need to release stress. The first row may be tight as hell because I’m frustrated but by row three I’m loose as a goose.

Grandma: This one makes me giggle because it’s something most people think right away. I like to think of this as a right of passage. Imagine how kick-ass  my kids and grand-kids are gonna look. Coolest kids on the block for sure.
Do you prefer to knit for yourself or for others?

I’m kind of half and half. I started creating for myself but fell in love with knitting for others when my ítems took off. That being said I just recently started knitting for myself again though and it’s such a treat. I want to hog all my time and make allllll the sweaters.
 Your favorite stitch?

Stockinette. Minus the fact that it has the terrible trait of curling – thus making me want to cry.


What is your preferred kit from We Are Knitters?

Guuuuuuuh. I am in love with the big chunky knits but my serious fav sweater to date that I’ve made is the Abruzzo. It’s so simple and elegant and COZY.
 The wool, petite wool, cotton, fabric yarn, or baby alpaca?

The Wool. Be still my beating heart.
 What is your favorite time to knit? Your favorite place to knit?

In the morning! I drive my hubby to work for 6 AM during the week and then come home and knit from 6:15-7:30 before heading to my workplace. It’s quiet, I can watch some netflix and no one judges me  for the abundance of yarn hogging the couch. (Which PS is my fav place to knit)
Any advice for someone starting to knit?

Be kind to yourself and take a damn breath. Knitting is viewed as this easy peasy skill. It’s not. It takes time and practice and love. If you don’t get it right away take a breath and come back. Don’t beat yourself up, you’re human and you’ll make mistakes. Just make some yarn-y friends who can help fix em’ *wink*


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