Knit two pieces at the same time


Hi knitters!

You’ve surely dreamt of knitting two pieces at the same time before, with the same needles, in order to optimize the amount of time until you can show off your wool or cotton WAK garment… It’s possible!


You just have to cast on the stitches that you need onto one of your wooden WAK needles and move them to the end of the needle. With the other ball of yarn, cast on the necessary number of stitches onto the same needle in order to make the other piece that you need to knit (for example, this trick works very well for knitting two sleeves of a jersey… in this case you should cast on the same number of stitches with both yarn balls so that you have two identical pieces).


Start knitting normally and when you finish the first piece… begin with the second piece in the exact same way. You will save a lot of time by having the two pieces on the same needle!


The great advantage of this technique is the ability to make the necessary changes to both pieces at the same time, so that when you are making increases and decreases to one piece, you can make them on the other almost simultaneously. Therefore, you won’t forget and you will have a reference on the side the whole time so that both pieces are exactly the same.


In order to make this tutorial we used 5 mm wooden knitting needles and WAK Pima cotton.

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