How to join knots on your projects


Hi knitters!

Today we are going to learn how to join knots on your WAK project.

It’s very common technique when fusing two yarn balls or two broken threads during your knitting time. As we always do, we would like to show you this new technique the best we can. How to add a knot when fusing two threads of yarn? Here you can learn how to do it:

How to join knots on your projects

How to join knots on your projectsHow to join knots on your projects

How to join knots on your projects
If you manage to a knot this way, you will get a very ‘invisible’ and hidden knot on all your garments and WAK designs.

Just practice this useful technique and show us your results on Instagram with the hashtag #weareknitters.

For this post we have used 5 MM BEECHWOOD NEEDLES and a 100% PIMA COTTON YARN BALL IN YELLOW.

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